r10 Wretched Lake

Exit the exchange south then right (west) on Waterloo-Pinckney trail. Cross one gravel road (Joslyn Lake Road - watch for crazed relay teams driving to the parking) then right on the second gravel road (Embury.) Turn left onto old group camp trail; possible stickers & pickers here. Right off camp trail into the dark and wet; eventually right onto the Bike Launch trail (ask Trail Dog why it's called that.) Out onto the Joslyn Lake Road & back to John's Farm.

National spelling bee classic.
"Retched, can you use it in a sentence?"
"The smell was so foul, the Wretched Fool retched up a small stream of vomit."

Dog drool: Some opportunities for speed, some otherwise.

Start End Length Color Climb Difficulty
Farm Farm 2.09  YELLOW  +/-170


Dangerous Road Crossings Grunge Wetness Poison Ivy
0 Scratchers, Muck, Odor Wet Probable
Drive route to next exchange
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