r11 Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Leave the cows at Farmer Johns, and feel like you’re on the lam. Careen through the fields and woods like the hounds are at your heels. Decide if it’s best to go over, under, or through the fences. Prison escapees don’t have blazed trails to follow, and neither do you. Get out of sight as you sink into the muck between the cattails. Shake the dogs off your scent when you make a splash as you return to Farmer John’s. You finish where you started, hopefully you’re fast enough to make bed check.

Dog Drool: Leg description by Mike Leary! Thanks, Mike!
Start End Length Color Climb Difficulty
Farm Farm 2.5  WHITE  +/-290  3.2
Dangerous Road Crossings Grunge Wetness Poison Ivy
0 Swamp Wet Probable
Drive route to next exchange
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