Safety is the key to a great Dirt experience. We prefer you get hurt on the trail instead of on the road or in a car. The drive route is generally the shortest route with the highest portion of paved roads and the least conflict (Not, “No Conflict!”!) with incoming vehicles and runners. Basic concepts:

  • Be on high watch for runners crossing the roads as they do bolt from the trails!
  • Follow the precise drive route
  • Be attentive to parking instructions from the exchange volunteers.
  • Stay in designated entrances, flow lanes and exits.
  • Use odometer – trip odometer.
  • Do not lay down behind the wheels of a vehicle in parking areas (Common and ugly!)
  • Drive the route after your runner starts leg
  • Most Important: we know you're out here to run & enjoy the challenge of a trail (?) run. It's way more enjoyable if you don't get lost. Please know what color markings you're following and for sure you'll have to read the signage in the confusing spots. 


Note: The newly added "Difficulty" numbers are computed:
Difficulty = Leg_Length/2 + Elevation_Gain/200 + Swamp_Length.